

Returns an array
Used to modify or add new submenu items to the Business Manager menu in the sidebar.

add_filter( 'business_manager_menu', 'example_function_for_menu', 10, 1 );

function example_function_for_menu( $submenu ) {
    print( $submenu ); //print the return value
    return $submenu;

Returns an array
Used to modify or add new tabs to the settings section.

add_filter( 'business_manager_settings_tabs', 'example_function_for_settings_tabs', 10, 1 );

function example_function_for_settings_tabs( $tabs ) {
    print( $tabs ); //print the return value
    return $tabs;

Returns an array
Used to modify or add new fields within a settings tab.
Replace the XXX with any of the settings tabs ID’s listed below.

  • general
  • employee
  • client
  • project
  • document
  • extensions
add_filter( 'business_manager_settings_fields', 'example_function_for_settings_fields', 10, 1 );

function example_function_for_settings_fields( $settings_fields ) {
    print( $settings_fields ); //print the return value
    return $settings_fields;

Returns an array
Used to modify a post type that Business Manager has registered.
Replace the XXX with any of the post types listed below.
eg. business_manager_employee_post_type_args

  • employee
  • project
  • client
  • document
  • review
  • leave
add_filter( 'business_manager_employee_post_type_args', 'example_function_for_employee_post_type', 10, 1 );

function example_function_for_employee_post_type( $args ) {
    print( $args ); //print the return value
    return $args;

Returns an array
Used to modify or add new columns within the list table of a post type.
Replace the XXX with any of the post types listed below.

  • employee
  • project
  • client
  • document
  • review
  • leave
add_filter( 'business_manager_columns_leave', 'example_function_for_leave_columns', 10, 1 );

function example_function_for_leave_columns( $columns ) {
    print( $columns ); //print the return value
    return $columns;

Returns a string
Used to modify the datepicker format.
** Be wary of changing this. PHP to JS conversion is not great and may provide unexpected results.

add_filter( 'business_manager_datepicker_format', 'example_function_for_datepicker' );

function example_function_for_datepicker() {
    return 'm-d-Y';

Returns an array
Used to modify the Employment Types dropdown options within the Employee post type.
You could remove unwanted types such as ‘Vacation’ or ‘Freelance’ and add new types such as ‘Permanant Part Time’.

add_filter( 'business_manager_dropdown_employment_type', 'example_function_for_employment_type' );

function example_function_for_employment_type( $array ) {
    print( $array ); //print the return value
    return $array;

Returns an array
Used to modify the Employment Status dropdown options within the Employee post type.

add_filter( 'business_manager_dropdown_employment_status', 'example_function_for_employment_status' );

function example_function_for_employment_status( $array ) {
    print( $array ); //print the return value
    return $array;

Returns an array
Used to modify the Marital Status dropdown options within the Employee post type.

add_filter( 'business_manager_dropdown_marital_status', 'example_function_for_marital_status' );

function example_function_for_marital_status( $array ) {
    print( $array ); //print the return value
    return $array;

Returns an array
Used to modify the Ratings dropdown options within the Reviews.
You could fine tune your rating system to go up to 10.

add_filter( 'business_manager_dropdown_ratings', 'example_function_for_ratings' );

function example_function_for_ratings( $array ) {
    print( $array ); //print the return value
    return $array;

Returns an array
Used to modify the Leave Types dropdown options within the Leave post type.

add_filter( 'business_manager_dropdown_leave_type', 'example_function_for_leave_type' );

function example_function_for_leave_type( $array ) {
    print( $array ); //print the return value
    return $array;

Returns an array
Used to modify the Leave Status dropdown options within the Leave post type.

add_filter( 'business_manager_dropdown_leave_status', 'example_function_for_leave_status' );

function example_function_for_leave_status( $array ) {
    print( $array ); //print the return value
    return $array;

Returns an array
Used to modify the Percentage Complete dropdown options within the Project post type.

add_filter( 'business_manager_dropdown_percentages', 'example_function_for_project_percentages' );

function example_function_for_project_percentages( $array ) {
    print( $array ); //print the return value
    return $array;

Returns a string
Used to modify the Employment Types dropdown options. You could remove unwanted types such as ‘Vacation’ or ‘Freelance’ and add new types such as ‘Permanant Part Time’.

add_filter( 'business_manager_upload_dir', 'example_function_for_upload_dir' );

function example_function_for_upload_dir( $path ) {
    //modify the path below
    $wp_upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
	wp_mkdir_p( $wp_upload_dir['basedir'] . '/business-manager' );
    $path = $wp_upload_dir['basedir'] . '/business-manager';
    return $path;